Business Asset Disposal Relief (Entrepreneurs Relief)
When selling or disposing of their business assets, people may be eligible for Business Asset Disposal Reduction (formerly known as Entrepreneurs’ Relief), a type of capital gains tax relief.
If certain requirements are completed, the relief lowers the rate of tax owing on any gains to 10%.
It is applicable to all forms of business assets, including shares in a company, partnership interests, and assets held in a trust, and is accessible for disposals made on or after April 6, 2019.
Benefits of Business Asset Disposal Relief (Entrepreneurs Relief):
- Tax Savings: Businesses that are disposing of assets may be able to save a lot of money on taxes because they will be able to take advantage of lower tax rates or exemptions on their profits. This can save firms a lot of money and make it easier for them to reinvest their revenues in other parts of their organization
- Increased Cash Flow: By selling assets, firms can increase their cash flow because they will not have to spend money on upkeep and maintenance. This can help guarantee that businesses maintain a strong financial position and free up resources for other uses and investments.
- Enhanced Efficiency: By getting rid of assets, firms can operate more smoothly and efficiently because they will not have to spend money on upkeep.
By concentrating on their core competencies and making sure that everything is working as smoothly and effectively as possible, businesses may benefit from this.
- Risk Reduction: By selling assets, companies can lower the risk of any potential liabilities that can result from keeping those assets for an extended period.
This can assist companies in preventing future financial losses and helping to guarantee that their business operations continue to be lucrative.

Entrepreneurs’ relief, also known as business asset disposal relief, is a UK tax break provided to anyone who sells all or a portion of their business.
The owner of the business asset must have owned it for at least 12 months, be an officer or employee of the firm, be actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the business, and not be a linked party to the company in order to qualify for the exemption.
The sale must also not be a part of a tax avoidance strategy and must be a corporate asset rather than a personal asset.
How to claim?
On sales of business assets made on or after April 6, 2021, there is a tax credit called “business asset disposal relief” (BUSINESS ASSET DISPOSAL RELIEF).

When claiming business asset disposal relief, you must:
- Ensure that the asset being sold is a business asset, that it was sold either on or after April 6, 2021, or that it was sold between April 6, 2020, and April 5, 2021, and that you have chosen to include the sale in the relief.
- Finish filing a tax return for the year in which the disposal occurs.
- Remember to report the disposal on your tax form.
- Submit your return and get relief by including the disposal amount.
- Keep documentation of your disposal and the relief amount requested.
Only disposals done within the tax year 2021–2023 are eligible for a business asset disposal relief claim.
The HMRC website has more information about business asset disposal relief.
Deadline for Business Asset Disposal:
The deadline for the relief from business asset disposal is December 31, 2023.
Who is eligible for ENTREPRENEURS RELIEF?
Certain persons who pay capital gains tax on profits from the sale of all or a portion of a firm may be eligible for entrepreneurs’ relief (also known as ER). Individuals must satisfy the following requirements in order to be eligible:
They must have held the shares for at least one year prior to the sale, at least 5% of the company’s ordinary share capital.
Served as an officer or employee for at least one year prior to the sale, been actively involved in the operation of the business for at least two years prior to the sale, and the company must have been engaged in a qualifying trade.
How does Entrepreneurs Relief work?
A sort of capital gains tax relief called “Entrepreneurs Relief” was created to assist business owners and entrepreneurs in lowering the amount of tax owed on the proceeds from the sale of their company.
It operates by lowering the capital gains tax from 20% to 10%, with a £10 million gain cap.
In order to be eligible for the Entrepreneurs Relief, the company must have been owned for at least a year previous to the sale, and the owner must have actively participated in its management during the two years before the sale.
What is Entrepreneurs Relief now called?
Entrepreneurs’ Relief is now known as Business Asset Disposal Relief (formerly Entrepreneurs’ Relief).
Is Entrepreneur relief being scrapped?
No, Entrepreneur Relief is not being scrapped. It was extended through March 2021 as part of the government‘s coronavirus response.